We are very happy to be welcoming you all back to the Caravan Park, after a difficult start to the 2020 season. We hope you are all safe and well.
Like most parts of life, the Caravan Park will not be running as normal as we have had to put many procedures in place to legally be allowed to reopen. Most of these procedures require the cooperation and understanding of caravaners and have been imposed on us all by government guidelines. It is an ever-evolving situation, so we will likely be updating with new guidelines and rules at some point over the summer. There is a lot of information to read through, and parts of it require your participation, so you will need to read through everything below.
Emergency Phone Numbers
Thomas: 07786 498204
Catherine: 07810 094072
Old Forge Surgery, Middleton in Teesdale: 01833 640217
Darlington A&E: 01325 380100 or 999
Bishop Auckland Walk in Centre: 01388 455000 or 111
COVID-19 Risk Assessment – This is available to read below.
COVID-19 Symptoms – You should not travel to the Park if you or anyone in your household currently has COVID-19 symptoms or has had in the last 14 days. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms on park, you must phone 111, and notify Catherine or Thomas by phone. If you are well enough to do so, you should return home.
“We’re Good to Go” Industry Standard – Our certificate verifying we are ready to re-open can be viewed above.
Social Distancing on Park – Always follow the current government guidance on park and in the local area. If possible, please bring hand sanitiser, gloves and masks with you.
Track and Trace on Park System – As a park, we are required to log individual names (including adults and children) of all people on park at any moment in time. We are required to keep this information for 21 days, as it will link in with the Governments track and trace system. To keep in line with data protection, we have decided that the best way to do so is for you to text us as soon as you arrive and depart from the Caravan Park. This needs to be done every time you enter and exit the Park past the barrier, by any means of transport for any amount of time. Names will only be stored on the phone, which will be appropriately destroyed once the track and trace system is longer needed. We will be setting up a designated number for you to text with all details listed at the entrance and exit of the park. You will need to send a message detailing all names of those entering the caravan park, and then the same when you are leaving. Clear instructions of what number to text, and what to include in your text will be located next to the barrier. There will be no need to text in advance, simply when you arrive and leave.
Visitors – Due to government guidelines we are not allowing any visitors on park until further notice. Caravans must only be used by owners, and those living with them at home. For those of you who share caravan ownership with family, please get in touch to discuss.
Facilities on Park – Please find below a list of which facilities are open and closed, until further notice. Hand sanitising points will be located at all open facilities listed below. Please ensure that you use them.
Open Facilities:
- Dog Walking Field and Orchard
- Chemical Toilet Disposal Point
- Water Points
- Waste and Recycling Area
Closed Facilities:
- Office and Shop
- Library
- Toilets and Laundrette
If you would like to order gas, meat, make any payments, or have any queries or problems, please get in touch with either Thomas or Catherine by phone.
Local Community – Throughout this difficult period, we are politely asking that everyone is respectful of the local community. If local areas are particularly busy, we are asking that you are mindful of current social distancing measures. The dog walking field is free as usual, and caravaners are more than welcome to use this field for exercise if they wish to do so.
If you have any questions regarding any of the points discussed, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this difficult time. We look forward to seeing you all soon.